3 Reasons to Make Time for Date Nights

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We’ve all heard it before, date nights are important at any stage of a relationship but let’s look into three reasons why they are so critical! 

Connecting Intentionally: 

If there is one thing to romanticize in your life, let it be your relationship. Life can be hectic and carving out intentional time to spend with your significant other is key in relationship maintenance. Date nights do just that, they allow for you and your partner to escape and simply narrow your focus to check in with one another. 

Creating Excitement: 

First let me say, every date doesn’t have to be the date of all dates, sometimes dinner out at your favorite restaurant will suffice but I would like to argue that you can use date night as a way to keep things exciting. Every once in a while it could be nice to try something new with your partner. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before but try a cooking class, a dancing class, a staycation, or something that’s off the beaten path for the two of you. 

Building a Solid Foundation: 

Relationships are built on foundations, your foundation could be trust, intimacy, and respect. Date nights are simply a tool to continue to build the strength of your foundation. When life gets in the way, and it will, a date night is a tool in your toolbox to make sure things are still working and both parties are satisfied with how things are going. 

So I’d like to challenge you to get a regularly scheduled date night on the books! And be creative, it doesn’t have to be this elaborate weekly event, but I challenge you to make sure it’s a regular intentional event that you both are committed to making happen. 

It can be once a week, once a month, or every other week. Just commit to it. I’m almost certain you won’t regret it! 

Post written by: Shaneice | Photo Credit: Jared Ladia Photography

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